I've had readers already ask if maybe I have something to prove regarding all I have been uncovering. The questions asked vary slightly but send the same message. The question is this:
Do I have something against the military? Absolutely not! Quite to the contrary, I just have a problem with corrupt people when I see it or experience it firsthand. And anyone who knows me well enough knows already that idling in observation is not without strategy and careful documenting to protect myself and those I care about, or even the mission at hand.
Why do I allow anonymous names right now on some people and not on others? Right now at this moment in certain situations, people that go out of their way to make themselves a "public figure" even for a day are subject to the microscope they placed themselves under. Just because someone wears a nice suit doesn't make them a good person. Sure the same I'm sure could try to be argued of me, but then again I have never been one to attempt to portray myself as perfect. I don't have a criminal record and in fact I can likely pass more background checks than the average person, because why? Because my mama taught me there are consequences for actions and if you don't want consequences, then don't do anything stupid.
You see, people make mistakes and most are capable of actually righting their wrongs. The alternate side of things is that there are also some people who just don't give a damn about anyone else aside from themselves. When good people get hurt, or continue to get dragged through the mud, that's when I have a problem.
People in general are good people. However, even a good person can do a bad thing. An even better person will be able to step back and realize they have hurt someone and own up to their actions. A great person however will step up in the face of adversity and demand action and speak up to a face of tyranny.
So yes, for credibility purposes, some cities, some names, and even some specific events will be talked about, along with others that won't- at least not for now. You may begin to see more detail as time passes and that is not without purpose.
Those who have already gotten wind of this blog appear to be walking on eggshells because oh-look a crazy blonde just rattled their cage. Sorry-Not Sorry!
You don't get rattled if you have done nothing wrong- Common sense 101. So if you find my posts offensive, please be reminded of the following definitions:
*Libel: a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation
*Defamation: the action of damaging the good reputation of someone; slander or libel.
*Slander: Knowingly saying something false with the intent to disparage another
*Disparage: regard or represent as being of little worth.
So, make no mistake when I say something, I have evidence and/or information to back it up, and that applies if I haven't personally been involved or witnessed something on my own. I am also entitled to my opinions of which I thoroughly exercise my right to free speech. I can't damage a person's reputation by exposing their corrupt behavior- that would make me a good Samaritan performing my civic duty- not ruining someone's life. Actually, their own mistakes are the creation of their own recipe. I also can't limit a person's worth, not monetarily and not otherwise. If someone breaks the law and it impacts their occupation- maybe you should have thought about that before you CHOSE to break the law in the first place. So if you're scared of your name and your face being released- too bad. Do the right thing and you won't have any further issues. I won't stop exposing until the truth is out and justice is served for every victim that has to face any kind of adversity on a military base where their civil rights are being violated every day until then.
I have fought to protect the names that are not in the limelight of the public and will continue to do so until the time is necessary to release them. The very moment retaliation begins, of which I anticipate, is when fire will meet publication of more information and names quickly being exposed. Feel free to motivate and inspire me. What I have on those who have placed themselves in public positions however is my public duty as a United States Citizen to expose. Don't like the microscope? Feel free to Retire! Don't like the blog? Feel free to unsubscribe.
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