Erythema Nodosum? Suspected Illness Decides to Drop-In on Life

I wake up one day in my bed wondering randomly, “Okay what is today going to have in store for me?” Instinctively, I must have just known something was wrong. It was a Thursday.    I was in my backyard cleaning up pine, branches, trimmed up the lilacs and raked the yard. Like any other day I do any yard work, I took my allergy medicine.    I was okay with the exception of the regular hot shower needed afterword. Friday progressed as any other day but I started to feel achy, more than normal.    Maybe it was the cold from Autumn setting in.     Who knows?!    Get some rest and maybe Saturday will be better. When my days turned excruciating began when standing on my feet.    When a person lives daily with extreme amounts of pain, pain really doesn’t have very many levels of severity anymore.    But oh my knees. They just hurt but I just figured maybe because of the cold. Picture for effect “erythem...

Barments are the new Military Defense to Oust & Ostracize Civilian Spouses

So the New Year is here and many are wondering a few things about this blog. I've been working on reformatting the design and will be releasing that here shortly. I've also been dealing with insurmountable numbers of messages coming from spouses and family members of military service members declaring they feel their lives and all they have endured need to be exposed. The nay-sayers have attempted to try to shut this blog down but the problem for them is that this blog is also protected by both Freedom of Speech AND Freedom of the Press as a Freelance Blogger. I won't say something unless I can back it up. Now maybe some of my opinions are not popular but my aim for this blog is not just to expose corruption and wrong doing on Americans and Families, but also to show that life is doable. We have to simply rise up and take control and TAKE CUSTODY of our lives to live the best possible way we can.

A New Year is a new bang. So I am back releasing some very heinous activity I have uncovered. There has been some serious misbehaving going on in the military all the while the holidays have transpired. Military no-nos hurting people and making habit of things while they believe no one was paying attention. It truly is amazing what you uncover when they think you stop caring. Sorry DoD, I have been paying attention while you thought I went away.

I have uncovered a pattern of abuse being committed by the military. If a marriage on a military base begins to degrade, the average person just assumes well Marriage is a 50-50 gamble to begin with so deal with it, come to accept it, and move on, right? I can say that logic is particularly understandable. Now imagine that your service member spouse goes to work without you realizing it as the wife or husband and they've painted this horrible picture of you. To their peers and to base command you are crazy, you are nuts, you are nothing but trouble, and they are practically a saint.

It doesn't sound right, does it?

If any service member in base law enforcement is your spouse's "friend", you would assume that the CODE comes first before anything. I am sad to report though that the "good ole boys club" mentality is running rampantly wild across bases from all branches when someone decides to put a proverbial bulls-eye on your back.

Barments are a special weapon currently being used on spouses as the new tool to remove them from all facility and dependent access. Well you ask, what is a barment?

A barment is a letter that is written by a military authority of a base installation that restricts your access to dependent amenities or needs on base. There are very specific policies written that restrict what and how this can be done with a barment.

Let me make this very clear. A barment letter cannot be issued "arbitrarily or capriciously" which means a legal crime and offense has to have been committed that would essentially leave the base vulnerable to becoming a victim of future action. Examples: drug smuggling on base, physically attacking service-members or Department of Defense Contracted Civilian Staff, stealing government property, assault, and the list goes on. The policy is written under 32 CFR 809A.5 as excerpted here:

"§ 809a.5 Barment procedures. Under the authority of 50 U.S.C. 797, installation commanders may deny access to the installation through the use of a barment order. Barment orders should be in writing but may also be oral. Security forces maintain a list of personnel barred from the installation."

Each branch is entitled to add certain guidelines however the common factor in each branch's policy is that if the person hasn't committed an actual offense, then there is no grounds for issuing a Barment to a civilian spouse. Barments are not simply "isolated to personnel". It is the new weapon against spouses that the service gets "TIRED OF". The service member can even have a Family Advocacy case of abuse open and active and ongoing and the spouse will still be the target of action with nothing happening to the service-member. But- a spouse can still be issued a barment.

Bases across this nation I have found to be engaging in careless and reckless issuance of barments to spouses who are going through separations or divorce are including but not limited to the following bases of which I will not be particularly specific and instead reference what the average person knows them as:

MCAS Miramar, San Diego, California
Camp Pendleton- San Diego, California
Naval Base San Diego (@32nd st.), California
Coronado, San Diego, California
March Air Force Base, California
Travis Air Force Base, California
Fort Hood, Texas
Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico
Camp Lejeune, North Carolina
New River, North Carolina
Quantico surprisingly hasn't done many lately, but it has been done.
Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota
Eglin Air Force Base, Florida
Patrick Air Force Base, Florida
Hurlburt Field, Florida
Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri
Norfolk, Virginia

The golden offender is the surprising one. Vandenberg Air Force Base is the TOP offender of all national bases of which they are classified as a "satellite location" since they report to commands in Colorado such as Peterson Air Force Base as their oversight command office. They actually are documented as issuing barments under false cause and pretense. The military service member can actually admit to the criminal offense committed or have established behaviors or repetitive damage of property and base command over the years will still hold the spouse responsible for the acts committed by their spouse service member.

Of the above bases listed I was shocked to find that the leading national offender in DV cases where service-member spouses are essentially known to "get away with their crimes" that violate the Uniform Code of Military Justice are the below three of which I will rank based on the knowledge and information I have acquired:

1. Vandenberg AFB - Lompoc CA- leading offenses include stalking, rape, domestic violence, family abuse, destruction or theft of government property, drug smuggling onto base property, adultery as well as many other offenses- VAFB is happy to issue MPOs because most offenders will choose to live off base where the military has no authority in city limits, where local law enforcement defers all action to the base and essentially do nothing while on base investigations will be utilized to exhaust civil statutes and abusing offenders will be left with nothing than a paper reprimand and an occupational slap on the wrist. Also to be noted at VAFB, mental health PRPs are not put as a priority of safety for personnel OR their families. A person can have a PRP removed or denied due to mental health reasons and still stay on billet on base and never sees an end to their career if they refuse to seek mental health treatment. This is a dangerous recipe for disaster and abuse. Damn We certainly don't want another Devin Kelley on our hands but Vandenberg seems to train and breed them very successfully.

I challenge you to ask any SVC, DAVA or FAP to say any different

You have THESE people in charge of the MAGIC RED BUTTON and they are this unstable.

2. MCAS Miramar- criminal harassment, breaking and entering, stalking, in addition to adultery and general maltreatment of families and financial abuse.

Miramar is known for ousting families from base housing if the service member is issued an MPO restraining order. If the service member no longer is in the home, even if as a result of their own actions, Base Command ranks of various levels are known to instruct housing to evict and remove the spouse and family from base housing even if the service member is receiving Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) and does little to nothing to hold the service member accountable for the familial support obligation to ensure they do not go homeless.

3. Fort Hood, Texas- Imprisoning spouses in the base home, financial abuse, adultery, physical abuse, theft of spouse medications (a federal felony btw), amongst child abuse and other maltreatment issues are very common. Various Command levels are known to call spouses who have separated from their service-member and make threats of various natures. Base command here gets far too involved in the dealings of civil matters where they should be focusing on prosecuting violations of the UCMJ.

The common problem with all three bases is that they all additionally engage in unlawful practices of trying to "control the narrative" with attempts to defame a spouses reputation on base with the intent to issue a barment thereafter. After all, the civilian spouse is often denied access to any reports their name may be on because the Military Branches involved will attempt to argue "National Security" as a reason for denying a spouses civil rights to face accusers, seek redress as a victim. Each of these three bases just above all engage in hostile and harassing behaviors at front gates by security.

The only one that I can say is silently hiding their tactics is the New River Installation near Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. The FAPPED out gate security and PMO actively engage in stalking and harassment of ongoing types of not only spouses but ex-spouses of other service members after remarrying a different service member. It is quite shameful to witness.

These barments are intended as an act of humiliation and ostracizing. Now granted I am informed of a couple scenarios where spouses were in fact very violent to their service member (ie slashing tires of community vehicles, caught hitting their spouse, etc). I will not say that each instance warrants their own redress however I am saying that barments are not the first go to for the service member and therefore should not be so arbitrarily and capriciously applied to spouses as it clearly violates written policy already in place. They are often subjected to additional if not even excessive searches of their vehicles as well as day to day changes in how they wish to operate. Vandenberg and New River I have to say take the Cake in harassing tactics there.

If children attend schools or child care on base, the parent is denied access and participation in their child's care which is a clear violation of a parent's civil rights. Even with site locations not located behind Base gates, facilities chartered with public school districts are actively violating FERPA as it pertains to a parents right to participate in the child's education absent any court order that specifically prohibits such. These tactics become the new "good ole boys" jokes on bases where moms (most often) are becoming easy targets.

I have previously shown how abuse comes in many forms. I have also spoken of how control and psychological problems addressed by Family Advocacy Offices are limited in their abilities to willing participants only. What I am saying now is that barments are being used as the new weapon and tactic against spouses with the intent to stain the spouse when the actual offenders of law are getting away with their crimes. The stigma that a person in uniform does not do anything wrong needs to be removed completely from societal norm concepts and beliefs. I am finding that more offenders exist in the military than in cities like Chicago or Detroit.

If you think the Inspector Generals Offices of each branch are there to help, you are sadly in for a rude awakening. The IG inspectors report to the very base commands who you are asking them to investigate. There is no true checks and balances to ensure the base is kept in line. The secrets within are often concealed by gatekeeper issued letters that often do nothing to address the real problems and are met with red tape for a civilian spouse. I am here to shine a light on these very problems. I'm not going anywhere!


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