Within hours of my recent Barment article on Monday, A Vandenberg Air Force Wife and Mother receives an email that declares the once given barment she was issued was actually expired and the on- base Legal office themselves declare that said wife was now free to enter and travel around the base freely without any further intrusion into her days.
Now let’s get to the bottom of this so called barment letter that was issued.
The original letter declared that said wife was charged and guilty with Marijuana found on base property in base housing. However, investigations uncover that not only is that false but more sinister actions are uncovered. It turns out the military couple were finally engaging in a separation and divorce of what would soon become the joke of the base.
According to public records, He didn’t want custody at all of his children when the divorce was initiated and in fact barely ever saw his children and wanted the mother to have sole custody.
What came to pass soon thereafter were events that can only be described as every divorcing parents worst nightmare. He was ordered to sustain housing while the divorce was ongoing. He then illegally evicted her and the children from the home against Family Court Orders that instructed him to maintain housing. Unfortunately, he got what he wanted. She was forced to leave much behind to avoid being penalized by the base. While having moved off base to live with friends and on a random day on the way to the pool with her children, this military wife was called by Military Police AND Child Welfare demanding her to appear at what was no longer her home but was actually still under full control of the husband for over a week. I won’t go arguing facts but I will allow you to apply deductive reasoning here.
There is evidence that once removed from the home, she hadn’t gone back. However, evidence also shows that the husband had exclusive control of the property after the illegal eviction occurred. Here is where the issues lay. By the time wife shows up by demand to the property, the husband AND other parties are already on scene ransacking the home and exit with marijuana. The woman is cited because husband says “it is hers” but funny thing is it becomes a sick game because he didn’t want anyone at this point to know that it was actually his. The home was also found in a state that one can only describe as intentionally trashed where any witnesses who actually helped her to move have and would attest that she did not leave the home with it in disarray. Child Welfare (as naturally would be expected) told the mother they were taking the children, giving them to the father and they would have to handle matters in court.
This is actually not the worst part.
Husband uses all information to file for emergency custody declaring mom is now unstable and a danger to the children. He is granted immediate custody. He also initiated a process that would issue his wife a barment preventing her access even to basic things such as on base medical care or base law enforcement. She would be faced with the need to seek modifications to even go to the children’s school, to FAP, FOIA offices, and even to OIG and security forces.
Herein lays the problems.
Thereafter, this same husband declares to a US Attorney that they cannot prosecute his wife because HE was the one that acquired the marijuana for what he argued as “medicinal purposes” because his wife was suffering from debilitating pain and disabilities so he was just trying to help her. So he admits not only to acquisition of marijuana, but he also admits he is the one that drove it onto base property and thereafter took it into what was their home- his home. Wife was never charged and all matters were dropped completely as a result of this confession.
He was right and honest about one thing. Wife WAS actually disabled and suffering from debilitating pain. However, he failed to mention that his wife was involved in a medical program where drug testing was regular and spontaneous where she never tested positive for any drugs, a fact that would be overlooked and ignored altogether by law enforcement, courts and base commands where she would be blamed for everything.
This woman would become the laughing joke of base security for time to come since 2015 and 2016 even until now on a day to day basis. He also attempted to paint her crazy with attempt to cover up his own serious matters of abuse to both his wife and children of which there are open FAP cases that simply won’t close because the threat of harm is still set at High Risk. The attempts to paint her crazy have been proven false on public records. She never did drugs, she is not crazy, but nothing stopped him from attempting to execute a fraud purported upon his own employer-the US Air Force.
The importance in these FACTS is that further investigation shows this service member actually committed almost the exact same acts with an ex-wife at Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota. Did the current wife know all of that? No, but she would quickly discover wHat now proves to be a perfecting of past criminal acts where if the ex wife were to be approached, she could verify that this same man trashed their home and wrote the word “CUNT” across the wall while she was out of town. Because of that one mere fact, he was caught defacing government property in this exact manner. He was never court martialed for that crime however he did receive a Letter of Reprimand and later on entries into Central Registries of abuse. He was also found responsible for spousal and child maltreatment at Minot. What wife now would later uncover is that her husband not only had perfected an exit strategy but the mere fact truly was that during the whole course of the marriage, he would be telling tales of how he believed his wife was so crazy.
The irony here is that said service member actually lost his PRP due to mental health reasons AND due to historical patterns of recent and past family and child maltreatment of which they could not be entrusted where he refuses to seek mental health treatment for himself.
Someone who is already a threat to others is now painting that an innocent person is actually the threat. At Vandenberg, why does this not surprise me?
Oh my they are doing drugs- nope drug tests across years say never
Oh my they are crazy- psych evals say otherwise and actually show they are sane and perfectly able to care for their children.
Oh my they trashed the home- common sense and facts that can now be proven in addition to past practice now show not only was she nowhere around, but husband is actually responsible for defacement of government property- AGAIN.
So please explain how the spouse is blamed for both drugs on base as well as the property being trashed when the property was no longer under her exclusive control for some time.
So we have by deductive reasoning a wife who has been restricted to access but the actual criminal is walking free with no punishment nor any form of true accountability?
While former Vandenberg Base Command Colonel Moss and Lt. Colonel Zarybnisky decided to focus on what husband alleged, they chose to overlook that their service member, a measly tech sergeant, actually was already capable of committing these acts as his personal history would dictate through common sense that being issued Often found, communications of a wife asking for help went ignored and even lied about. This is a big no-no when it comes to people saying they deny having communications where it can be proven otherwise. Over a dozen MPOs, multiple entries into child and family central registries as
Well as multiple written admonishments and reprimands, as well as his own personal mental unfitness to his duties, should actually have placed this man in a 6x9 for quite some time a long time ago.
After all, in the world of civilians, it is often said that if you do it once and another time, then the likeliness is entirely probable they would do It again. Inasmuch, how many times does a service member need to break the laws and regulations before someone gives a damn. How many times does someone need to slip through the cracks before someone takes responsibility for the failures that should have protected
The real victims.
For this wife however, her whole life remains upside down because one man took justice into his own hands and chose to break the law while his superiors simply ignored the process that would have otherwise held him accountable.
A new base commander with quite a history of “cleanup” is with hope willing to hold this man accountable. I have myself witnessed MPO violations, civil rights violations committed by base personnel, regulation violations, as well as other multiple laws being broken. While a barment has now been released, expired and is declared will not be issued a new one as there has been no new offenses alleged and proven, for this one woman, wife and mother,her life became the happy laughing stock of which would become the “Strauss v. Strauss” joke of the century for one base- PUN Intended.
So within hours of an article issued here by one base that I know is “watching” me and this blog, I find it odd that even an email from base legal declaring the barment has been released is actually still barring this woman access even though procedures dictate to leave her be in peace.
Yesterday, January 30, 2018, I witnessed and video recorded via Facetime in compliance with recording laws an interaction with E3 Conway at the Base Gate and recently promoted Staff Sergeant Lopez at the Base Visitor’s Center what would prove to show continued harassment, laughs and jokes of The base making mockery of one spouse’s horror while the spouse service member himself calls over to the gate to initiate third party harassment while driving by and laughing on cameras.
Said wife wished to show that she had the right to pass on base freely as written in correspondence simply by getting gas while picking up her children. Instead of a simple trip, she was forced to the side of the road, taking her identification told they would not Give it back and instructed her to not move. In the eyes of the average person, she was now unlawfully detained by base security based on the single email received that stated she was clear to pass almost two months ago but it appears no one told her. Told to clear it up after picking up her kids, she was again told to pull over with her children in the car and again denied access after stating that Security Forces at the Base Center needed to clear up the problem. After over an hour it was mutually confirmed that the barment was gone and no longer applicable and a new one has never been issued. Because the old one expired without re-issuance, according to the CFR and AFI policy a new one can not be issued now as she has not committed any offenses.
I wish to stress here that I also witnessed an altercation where this same Lopez actually made several scenes on different occasions where she was denied refuge of safety with MPO violations, makes a habit of laughing in her face, denies access even to IG just to be a nuisance and also selectively decides when he will choose to apply a practice or procedure.
Lopez after some time was able to confirm the barment was done with, however still denies this wife the open access to the base and additionally refuses to make any changes necessary. Instead of performing his duties to suggest solutions, he gives both her and her SVC counsel a runaround about how he will need other areas of the base to do his job for him. If you know Lopez or ever have an interaction with him though, Sarcastically this means he doesn’t want to even deal with you so he will put you on a wild goose chase just so he doesn’t have to do anything. By far, in my opinion, customer service is a field he should never be working in let alone dealing with the public. His demeanor is one that should be placed behind a cubicle not talking to anyone.
But I suppose if people are selected to be “Mayor for a Day” their ego might begin to supersede any common sense.
Barments being issued carelessly, arbitrarily and capriciously are the exact reason policies are written. So long as our politicians and commanders of national Security continue to make excuses for this kind of behavior, I will continue to expose frauds and crimes of multiple proportions for the purpose of shining a light not only on installations enabling criminals but to further demonstrate how incidents like Deven Kelley and the Texas Shooting was ever allowed to come to fruition.
People like this need to be punished for their crimes. That uniform is enabling a new breed of criminal to take over our military defense system if their commanders in echelon are willing to turn a blind eye.
The same people you entrust our Satellite launches to are the same people that are concealing and laughing at abuse and domestic violence, caused by mentally unstable people who walk around with headsets that are meant to distract from the fact they “hear voices” and “talk to people”.
While I tell of only one story here, this wife is NOT the only victim of abuse and harassment at Vandenberg Air Force Base and they are one of the worst offending bases for enabling crimes to occur with the good ole boys club on base. Don’t believe me? Ask the powers that truly know.
Ask FAPs, DAVAs, and SVCs across the country if anything I describe is false. Anyone that tells you otherwise, I can prove everything I say. Can they? Good luck asking around... for one American “small city”, the city runs wild with criminals walking free. After all, if the person isn’t prosecuted, that means a crime must never have happened right?
Where the actions of one falter in dereliction and duty to defend and protect, all are stained.
Ask yourselves, what is the purpose of a Letter of Reprimand when it comes to crimes being committed. Oh that is right. It is about precluding a stain on the service, not about real discipline, merit and honor.
Representative Thornberry AND Secretary Mattis: It's okay, I know you are reading this blog.
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