Erythema Nodosum? Suspected Illness Decides to Drop-In on Life

I wake up one day in my bed wondering randomly, “Okay what is today going to have in store for me?” Instinctively, I must have just known something was wrong. It was a Thursday.    I was in my backyard cleaning up pine, branches, trimmed up the lilacs and raked the yard. Like any other day I do any yard work, I took my allergy medicine.    I was okay with the exception of the regular hot shower needed afterword. Friday progressed as any other day but I started to feel achy, more than normal.    Maybe it was the cold from Autumn setting in.     Who knows?!    Get some rest and maybe Saturday will be better. When my days turned excruciating began when standing on my feet.    When a person lives daily with extreme amounts of pain, pain really doesn’t have very many levels of severity anymore.    But oh my knees. They just hurt but I just figured maybe because of the cold. Picture for effect “erythem...

Child's Birthday Turns to Airman's Sinister Goals or Ulterior Motives?

Attention Readers, you are going to love this one. Closer and Closer we get...just one base, not even everyone else that is a reader or victim.

An abuser has caught wind of my blog currently exposing Domestic Violence, stalking and abuse in the military- go figure, right?  What happened? What bothered you more?  Did you see a picture of you violating military law or maybe it was the pictures that I took that show you have been stalking your spouse?  I have tons of pictures and videos even where that came from.

Funny, I've been a witness of stalking for months where authorities were refusing to take my reports, but now an abuser gets exposed publicly from a first hand witness, goes into a family court attempting to claim that I am a threat to them in their divorce case and as such mother has been ordered to not leave their county for fear of what I as a witness will come forward with.  HMMMMM... A family court judge willfully concealing knowing a crime exists?  Gee why does that not surprise me?!

What happened that bothered him?  Apparently he took his child to the doctors and the doctor paid special attention to bruises on the child's body.  He believed the mother filed a complaint, but that simply isn't the case.  However, it appears someone else did- Good for them!  Maybe someone will pay attention.  It appears that someone got the chance to make a report long before I did last night.  However, my complaint to the authorities involves pictures and videos and all sorts of information that is documented.  I with all my attempts to seek help for these children and the mother am now demanding action where I was told to shut-up by authorities previously.  I am not going away because I have physical evidence that people in the position to do something have chosen to ignore.  Not anymore.  I choose NOT to walk away where I am in the position to do something- simply tell the truth.

Why do people have a problem with just telling the truth?  That simply baffles me.  The truth hurts only because someone did something wrong or because someone is afraid of the repercussions.

Report child abuse or suspected child abuse- oh no hunny I will own that with my name- my legal name that I walk around with on my Identification and not some phony name you gave me on court record.  That's interesting because even my passport is issued in my name.  Funny how that works
because that was issued 7 years ago and many years before that too.  Funny how you can't make up my name, but you sure tried.  You slander my real name in court because the truth hurts you.  You stalk her, you chase her down in the car with me on Facetime or even in the car myself.  I take pictures and videos every time you do it.  I even reported you to the base for violating that MPO you were issued that you violated in my presence when you rushed after your wife as I told her to exit the building before me.  You didn't like being gestured to stop when you were interrogating your children in front of me, so much so that when your children didn't want to leave, you couldn't handle it well.  You rushed after your spouse in my presence and began yelling out at her which terrified her to run to her vehicle just to get away from you, even while I simply just said to walk.  I didn't have the heart to involve the children because nothing of the sort should happen in front of a child, even though you sure had no problem doing that.  I went back the next day and filed the police report with the base.  You failed to mention the horror in their faces seeing you doing that to their mother.  Instead, they went to great lengths to run away from you into the street just to get away. Don't believe me here ya go bud!

(July 2, 2017 @ 6:01pm- Vandenberg Air Force Base)  Good job letting them run into a Parking Lot that was a Construction Zone
Their Precious Faces are blacked out because I care what happens to them...they're just children
Shame you didn't care.

By the way, I have reported the stalking with evidence too.  Go ahead and explain away why you swerve in and out of traffic behind her, bumper kissing, blaring your high beams from time to time, and suddenly when you get close enough to see a phone or camera recording you, boom you speed up so fast and bolt away at unsafe speeds with your children NOT always strapped in their car seats.  How DO you explain racing away right at the point you get next to her in BOTH of those cars- ESPECIALLY that little hand sprayed Geo you cry to the court about being in such bad shape?  Such bad shape, eh?  Then please feel free to take that car to the local Highway Patrol inspection station to prove that because the only thing beat up about that car you practically race after your spouse in is that ugly paint job.   If it was so beat up, it wouldn't clear smog, nor would you be able to register it with insurance and certainly most importantly, you wouldn't be able to "safely transport your children" or hmmm are you admitting your vehicle is unsafe to have your children in?  Endangering the welfare of a minor in an unsafe vehicle is a serious offense.  Oh, you don't like that counter-argument there do you?  Well, sadly to say you can't have your cake and eat it too.

Unfortunately for you, JUST THE OTHER NIGHT, we have 20+ witnesses on LIVE Video Feed who watched you following her down the road.  You're not suppose to be doing that buddy?!
Don't believe me?  I've got the proof you raced passed her...but even better, I have the full video buddy.  Not too bright there!  You've been caught red handed with so many witnesses, I hope you crapped your pants just now reading that.

(photo taken from video footage executed October 24, 2017)

So you're pissed because your children went to my daughter's birthday party or because you were caught stalking your wife who has done everything in her power to demand safety for herself and the children?  Since the military doesn't wish to hold you accountable for terrorizing your wife, I had no choice but demand action since you think you are invincible.  So long as you can charm a judge in your uniform abusing military privilege, you think the truth will never come out.  Guess again.  You can't erase the truth about history...even your own history.  Not the terrors to this wife NOR the terrors to your Ex-Wife.  Oh yes I found her too.  The tales of your past are quite a sordid one.  You think that because on paper you have 50/50 of them, BUT NEVER SEE THEM, that suddenly it makes you daddy of the year?  No, sadly no, the terrors your ex-wife went through are well known at Minot!  Yeah no we wouldn't want the Air Force to transfer you there because no no we cant have your FAP case transferred there to join with your ex-wife's file.  Or is that the next thing that is going to happen?  Maybe just maybe they might pull that magical file from Minot and really dig into what an unstable person you are...the person you never told your current wife about until she was already made to feel like your prisoner.  Or how about those Article 128 charges you DID NOT get away with.  Oh the Air Force thought they could sweep that under the rug?  Sorry, but common sense dictates, your victims had a right to know you were charged.  Bad move Air Force- YOU BROKE THE LAW AND YOU ARE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.  Oh but that makes you exempt from violating rights of victims, right?  Wrong!  What was that phrase I used in a previous publication?

Shame, Shame, know your name?  Catchy don't ya think?

So maybe it's time I expose this person...

Dun dun dun Drumroll please.....

Mr. Strauss (nickname Pun intended) Airmen by day and abuser and stalker by night.

Oh but the sadder part is exposing him is not slander, defamation, libel, or disparaging.  Your actions speak for yourself.  If you did nothing wrong, there would be no story to tell.  Too bad I have the pictures to back it all up...ones I took myself actually.  If you wish to continue on about attacking my family, maybe I shall begin to post them all, including videos.  Feel free to periodically check back- I just might!

You don't know me, and yet you attack me and my family.  But I know you enough from every interaction at exchanges that I've witnessed, the actions others have taken in attempts to protect you, even to deny me a copy of that sweet little police report I filed on base, thereby violating my rights as a civilian to have a copy of what I reported to a law enforcement authority.  Guess they shouldn't have given me the subliminal Fuck you, huh?  When they denied my request for a copy, or how about your little friend at the desk who alerted you on the phone when they heard I was making the report in the first place, who then had to be told to get off the phone.  Funny how that works.  Must be nice to have the Visitor's Center in your pocket, eh?  Interesting how a measly E-6 has that kind of power, so I guess my question is, what do you have over their heads that they would feel compelled to do that, or to go out of their way to treat your wife like crap in my presence and every other day of the week she has to be there?  I've done my homework enough to know you intimately and how you live your life.  How's that Airmen Against Drunk Driving Club working for you on late Friday nights when you go out with your "buddies"?  Hopefully they were able to get you home safe to your kiddos without them seeing an intoxicated daddy!  Amazing what a few "friends" will share about you when you are not around.

Don't worry.  I will save you the effort.  I'll be turning everything I have into the NON-MILITARY authorities, including the bruises and marks your children attribute to "Daddy did that".  I'm entitled to my opinions-  I really do think you should get professional help because I saw you talking to your "voices" and it is quite disturbing to watch.  Which voice is louder, the one on the left or the one on the right?  Do you see dead people?  Sixth Sense maybe?  Are you "gifted"?

I'm a mother of two beautiful children who are innocent to your mission.  To try to attack other children, not even your own takes a despicable kind of person.  Mess with my children and funny how all I have to do is to continue doing what I have a friend, support a friend, advocate for children who are scared to talk on their own and just simply tell the truth.  Too bad not everyone lives by that code.

So you ask why am I exposing you...don't worry you aren't alone in the exposing.  The rest is coming out.  I've seen enough to no longer remain silent, expecting law enforcement to do their job is no longer an option.  Expose the evidence and they can't ignore that you sir are a stalking abusive creep.  Oh but of course, that's just MY opinion and that of every other person that watched live as you were following her.  Gotta love the age of technology!

I will be thoroughly cooperating with any investigation that works to put you away for the ongoing future and hope that truth be told, the children will be saved from a heinous future of having to watch their own father continue to stalk and chase down their mother.  By the way-  that action alone is considered child abuse.  Think about that before you try it again.  The children of this world are precious.  Some need more help than others.  People like myself expose truth to get them that help.

I luckily don't ever need to break the law to tell the truth.  feel free to check out my beautiful door sign-  feel free to squirm away.  My local Law Enforcement and Community Neighborhood Watch Finds it amusing.  What does this mean?  I reserve the right to record and all who enter know it before they do.  I choose to or NOT to as I see fit, within legal limitations.  Property is under surveillance so I wouldn't try doing anything stupid.

We are a drug free home.  We don't smoke and we don't break the law.  I've been through multiple FBI/DOJ LiveScans and Diplomatic Security Clearances- I'm pretty sure my family has more clearance than you.  Try not to confuse me with another person who is currently incarcerated or one of a different ethnicity.  I swore an oath to abide by the Constitution.  Unlike some people, that oath means my integrity and honesty.  That might not mean much to you, but on the daily that means a lot to me.  Frankly, I wish more people thought of their oaths in the same manner.  I farewell you good evening and adieu- by morning my official statements will have been confirmed as received and processing.

To any reader seeing this, please do not fear coming forward.  In honor of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month- You can be a survivor.  You are not alone in your plight and I KNOW this could be happening to you.  I'm getting new contacts every day that say this happened to them or IS HAPPENING to them right now at various bases across the globe.

Whether you are a military spouse or a civilian- You are not alone!  Don't ever think you have to be.

YOU ARE WORTH IT!  No person defines you, only you can do that.


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