Erythema Nodosum? Suspected Illness Decides to Drop-In on Life

I wake up one day in my bed wondering randomly, “Okay what is today going to have in store for me?” Instinctively, I must have just known something was wrong. It was a Thursday.    I was in my backyard cleaning up pine, branches, trimmed up the lilacs and raked the yard. Like any other day I do any yard work, I took my allergy medicine.    I was okay with the exception of the regular hot shower needed afterword. Friday progressed as any other day but I started to feel achy, more than normal.    Maybe it was the cold from Autumn setting in.     Who knows?!    Get some rest and maybe Saturday will be better. When my days turned excruciating began when standing on my feet.    When a person lives daily with extreme amounts of pain, pain really doesn’t have very many levels of severity anymore.    But oh my knees. They just hurt but I just figured maybe because of the cold. Picture for effect “erythem...

Bomb Threats on Buses, Assaults & Hate Crimes and Dead Airman Shroud suspicion on local Base Town

It has come to concept that this one little town of Lompoc, CA is more troubled than what the average resident is willing to admit.  Many would rather question the validity of a blogger than to ask questions as to how or why it is a blogger covering their area instead of mainstream media.

Again, a “suspicious device” was located aboard a school bus at Floradale and Central  in Lompoc, California.  In the morning, the driver called in what appeared to be a possible risk item aboard the bus.  The school bus was pulled aside and evacuated.
This is an incident being followed in the area of the Lompoc Federal Penitentiary. Bomb Squads were called to the scene of a school bus suspected of having an unknown device or package aboard.  The driver was no longer aboard, nor any students.  Authorities will not confirm whether children were ever aboard the bus or whether if there were, then were they transferred to another bus and thereafter “resuming normal activities”? That seems to be a catch phrase in this town. 

The location is quite suspicious however where this is blocked off, both directions of the road were blocked.  The rear access to the nearby base was blocked.

While addressing the now new “bomb threat” in this “small town”, the nearby Lompoc High School held a “Violent Intruder Alert” Drill to address the nationwide dash of threats of crime on schools.  While this seems coincidental, locals see this type of action as a near everyday thing.

Teenagers are assaulting their teachers and school staff at the local middle schools and high schools.  People seem to appear more concerned with "what upset the student" rather than no one is jumping in to stop the assaults and everyone is too busy recording the incident on videos.  The ultimate bystander effect is taking priority over safety.

Other students are developing "lists of targets" and one school was even spray painted with Swastikas and other hate speech aimed at young girls, the LGBT community as well as non-whites.  This should be considered vandalism of a hate crime nature but the administration seems to be sloughing off the severity of the recent acts within the community.  The problem lays deep at the core of this small town because many turn a blind eye while the few outraged are being dismissed and actions are being sugar-coated as though "operations are resuming to normal".  There is that phrase again.

As a separate issue, Tyler Leidholdt, an airman from VAFB was found deceased on the main road near Timber Ln.  Timber Lane is not anything special.  If you look carefully, one would have to have a specific purpose to even be in the area.  Stories as to how this man was found dead began as a hit and run theory, followed by a suicide, now followed by main tales of suspiciously laying in the middle of the road and being ran over by a bus where “the driver of the bus appears to have no fault”.  It is reported this man was a would be father with his spouse being approximately 8 months pregnant.  No one is addressing the obvious questions of a crime scene though:

  1. Was he conscious when he lay upon the ground in the middle of the road?
  2. What was his Toxicity Blood Levels?
  3. Was he already dead and placed there?
  4. If he was about to be a father, why would he be there in the road?

Don’t get me wrong.  Lompoc has some unique characters but no one seems to be addressing how the local base seems to really be unable to execute a proper investigation even in the most horrible of circumstances.  When passersby at the end of the day state there was still blood spray all over the road at one point, why on earth would you release a road to the general public before ever cleaning up the mess?  Yeah that is an excellent thing for children to see for the nearby school children when getting out for the day. 

Why do I bring these incidents up more and more?  The military has it’s issues.  The surrounding cities are now at its prey to fallen practice of common sense.  Crimes are frequently concealed when it comes to service members or their children.  Everything from Domestic Violence, Rape, Assault, Burglary all the way to Vehicular Manslaughter and possibly even murder. Don’t be surprised if this turns out to be a DUI cover-up just like the airmen held responsible for the deadly accident over a year ago that resulted in a severe lawsuit against the Air Force for refusing to release the name of the adult child’s killer who happened to be an airman. 

While Colonel Hough is busy distracting the local community with statements such as how sad he is to hear this happened to one of their own, the rest of you should be demanding to know why this base is so “special”.  I will give you one hint: Mental Health is not the biggest priority on the base for its service members.

If an incident seems surprising to you, just ask any military wife locally what is really wrong with the base.  While some will paint the picture of perfection, the remainder will likely give an odd expression of disturbance or might even flat out tell you they believe this base is by far one of the worst nation wide if not the worst overall.  The types of personal crimes that are concealed are astounding.

Based on all I know and have seen thus far, Security Forces is where the investigations should begin by an outside authority.  If you really dig into the good ole boys club, you will begin to see a silencing game occur.  Protecting each other means protecting the service.  If one falters, they all come crumbling down like dominoes.

I anticipate another minimization of circumstances.  I anticipate more letters sent home with children.  I anticipate maybe a phone call to some parents and guardians but not all.  

If you want to know whats wrong with America, visit the small town for a small duration and just sit back and observe.  There is its quaint charm with many people with big hearts and then there are the chosen few who stir the pot for the whole city if you really pay attention.

The problem isn’t the nearby farms, or the Penitentiary even.  The problems stem from the local base and the perception of crime has no penalty and the local authorities saying to respond now and inform later.  Parents don’t have the rights they assume to have in this one town.  Be prepared for “another story” to be given a tragic dramatic feel and later on the truth will reveal an ugly underlying foundation.  This base has its “ghosts” and “demons” so to speak.  The nearby cities do as well.

When dirty laundry hides in a base closet, people should be fighting to expose it, to air it out once and for all, and to wash the dirt away permanently.

For one town, this bus incident turned out to be an ammo can used as a lunch box and what could have taken a simple phone call was raised to ultimate extreme pandemonium.  

People need to focus on letting the sun shine in on each city that has its good AND bad.  I think Lompoc is the perfect kind of city to start with.  But don’t forget to demand cleanup of the nearby base.  Yesterday’s trash needs to be taken out for good.  Demand more answers from your local news teams.  

People are simply too busy surrounding their lives in pandemonium and panic that common sense left the building with Elvis.  Apply common sense.  


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