
Showing posts from March, 2018

Erythema Nodosum? Suspected Illness Decides to Drop-In on Life

I wake up one day in my bed wondering randomly, “Okay what is today going to have in store for me?” Instinctively, I must have just known something was wrong. It was a Thursday.    I was in my backyard cleaning up pine, branches, trimmed up the lilacs and raked the yard. Like any other day I do any yard work, I took my allergy medicine.    I was okay with the exception of the regular hot shower needed afterword. Friday progressed as any other day but I started to feel achy, more than normal.    Maybe it was the cold from Autumn setting in.     Who knows?!    Get some rest and maybe Saturday will be better. When my days turned excruciating began when standing on my feet.    When a person lives daily with extreme amounts of pain, pain really doesn’t have very many levels of severity anymore.    But oh my knees. They just hurt but I just figured maybe because of the cold. Picture for effect “erythem...

Women begin MCT USMC Training on the West Coast

The United States Marine Corps has issued official statement that MCT Training has officially opened and begun their West Division access to women.  I will take a few moments to address my stance on women in the military. For over 100 years, Feminism argued "EQUALITY FOR WOMEN", however in most recent decades, that argument has skewed into a belief that women should be allowed to do all the same things a man does, all the while simultaneously expecting lower standards to be met so they could be given the opportunity.  The sad and pathetic reality is that most women today are indoctrinated to believe that equal means meeting a lower standard that is established to define "equal".  The doesn't define equality at all.  In fact, that says women want to be treated "SPECIAL" rather than equal. National Defense Service Medal- USMC You want this medal?  Earn it Equally! Lowering the standards to then meet an "equality" rank only furthe...

Bomb Threats on Buses, Assaults & Hate Crimes and Dead Airman Shroud suspicion on local Base Town

It has come to concept that this one little town of Lompoc, CA is more troubled than what the average resident is willing to admit.  Many would rather question the validity of a blogger than to ask questions as to how or why it is a blogger covering their area instead of mainstream media. Again, a “suspicious device” was located aboard a school bus at Floradale and Central  in Lompoc, California.  In the morning, the driver called in what appeared to be a possible risk item aboard the bus.  The school bus was pulled aside and evacuated. This is an incident being followed in the area of the Lompoc Federal Penitentiary. Bomb Squads were called to the scene of a school bus suspected of having an unknown device or package aboard.  The driver was no longer aboard, nor any students.  Authorities will not confirm whether children were ever aboard the bus or whether if there were, then were they transferred to another bus and thereafter “resuming normal acti...

Couponing for Household Everyday Items: Logic versus Quality- a Product Review

People often assume that a couponer’s world revolves around the word FREE.   The average couponer knows they can save a lot of money on their monthly grocery bill and sometimes, maybe even very often are some couponers able to pay next to nothing for their purchases.   I would know because I am a proud couponer.   I have been couponing for my family to save on our monthly grocery household bill for nearly 6 years now.  If dedicated to the concept and you simply need it enough, then I can certainly attest to how couponing can work and eventually be able to live off your savings for up to 6-12 months of necessity items for your whole family if you budget it right.  On the rare occasion I can also say that when deals and savings are in order I can sometimes end up buying something I don’t personally use (for little or nothing) in order to get something I do use at a low cost or possibly even free.  What this does on the flip is creates a space on a ...

DIY Wipes Scrubber Container Alternative- More for Your $

As a Handy Mom, I often find random things that save money but I also don't like messes laying around in random spots or things falling out of shelves or cupboards.  So I found a little item at the local 99 Cent Only Store and Instantly thought "HEY I KNOW WHAT I CAN DO". Have you ever just had something that you had as a habit for cleaning?  I think it is safe to say we all have our favorite products to use.  Well, one of my favorite items was "Handi-Wipes" made by Clorox.  Easy to Reuse about 15 times (roughly 1 per week) before tossing out is what they pride themselves on.  As a handy mom, I also tend to use these in the garage with a little bit of Lava Soap or GOJO Cream to get the gunky mechanic grease off my hands.  Use and toss- great simple concept for the smaller projects in my opinion.   You may even find a bucket at some stores called Scrubs in a Bucket seen here: I actually love the function of a wipes dispenser....

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