It is always ironic when a third party attempts to slander, defame and attack someone else by saying “oooo someone is writing articles about me make them stop” followed by banter and commentary that is false in narrative. The irony is even better when I haven’t mentioned many names at all. Riled up? People get upset they say they are being written about, but no one negates by saying things are false. Gee, could it be that everything I say I actually have something to substantiate what I am saying or there are records that prove I am a witness? Combined with opinions and first hand experience, I am legally allowed to also engage in conclusions as well as "deductive reasoning" and allow for readers to decide what they will. Personal conduct is that of the person- I can't be held responsible for their offenses. I am obligated by a little thing called a conscience to speak up.
There is a thing called the Constitution for Bloggers and Radio Hosts and Administrators. It is a little thing called Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Speech. I can have an opinion and share it freely. I can independently investigate things and report on them too. The First Amendment is a beautiful thing.
Please learn your rights and laws and how these pertain to how you choose to move forward.
As a court watcher I have seen some pretty shady things in court rooms. I take notes. So long as court is not in session, yes I will take pictures and videos where permissible. I have heard some unwavering dirt-bag attorneys scheme in hallways to break the law and plot against opposition in a big huddled circle.
I have witnessed Guardian Ad Litems commit perjury in every sense of the fashion only moments after they previously made raving commentary about a parent in contraindication to the other parent.
I will urge you to understand what Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Press are really about. You can’t Gag me because I am exposing crime that is NOT paramount to National Security. However, I am exposing people at the helms behind buttons that shouldn’t be behind those buttons- and that may be a matter of National Security as well as the general public interest and welfare depending on the interest of the reader.
In any case, as an American Citizen, a member of the press, and not just some mom, I took to a blog to start exposing all that I have found and that is still coming my way. I don’t engage in ghost writing for my blog because it is far better to have me write about my own journalistic integrity rather than others speculate what I write about.
If I have evidence, that is what we called substantiated publication for the general public awareness. If you don’t like my blog, it is very simple, don’t stalk it. Just walk away. I will have many online stalkers after my next few series of publications.
It is okay Pentagon, I know you are watching. Jude Egan, your name has been outed for what I have witnessed you do. And I am just getting started. Should I start publishing names of people you have screwed over?
I have a long list of attorneys these people are in backdoor cahoots with. It is absolutely disgusting to see what these people have done all with the same.
I have witnessed many judges give sole custody to a documented abuser all because the spouse refused to stop telling the police what they were doing, which was violating a protective order.
I have witnessed judges give custody to a drug addicted mother all because he didnn’t quite “believe” the father when he said she was a meth addict. How is she not a meth addict when ALL of her children were born addicted and not to prescribed medications and all with health problems.
I have seen grandparents in given visitation in states where grandparents don’t have rights that supersede the parent’s rights.grandparents who have subjected children to unwavering amounts of abuse
I have seen men proclaim victim in courts claiming the woman is “crazy” contrary to all evidence to seek emergency custody under false allegations, only to sustain a child in their care while being deployed and leaving the child almost immediately in the care of others. It was never about the child, but about control in a sick twisted world of ideology.
I have seen judges all over this country try to drag third parties into cases without giving the third parties the right to be present in violation of constitutional rights.
Don’t subpoena a person for testimony and then have judges say they can’t speak ONLY because that person presents endangering argument to facades they have insisted continue in.
I have been subpoenaed to many cases simply for navigating and networking people to resources and simply being a support for many people to stand up and be strong.
Let me make this clear. It doesn’t require a badge to make someone stand for the truth and what is right. It is a little thing some people actually possess. It is called humanity. It certainly doesn’t require someone in a black robe to do what is just and right. I have seen plenty of robe holders break the law and violate the rights of people before them.
The bad guys are winning because people like crooked attorneys, Guardian Ad Litems, and Judges are no longer willing to speak the truth or just do the right thing. Why would they, that is how they keep you paying them. That is how they make the big bucks. You have some that come along and are consistently following literally the letter of the law. The ones who really do want to make a difference are the first attacked by their own peers. But I thought attacking a peer BAR member was a disbarrable offense? Isn’t that what all your BAR associations publish?
So when I see a judge that acts inappropriately, i will now be outing and exposing their “judicial conduct”.
I will be doing the same for attorneys and GALs who have tried to mess with justice and distort reality to their whims.
And most of all, I will begin exposing some sick truths and motives discovered to create rackets of crime within court systems that are actively protecting offenders and simultaneously attacking victims. Or what about those people that create victims of their own process simply because “well, c’est la vie” they can pay if they feel they were wronged.
I have seen people buried in paperwork that just didn’t have the mental fortitude to go up against dirty attorneys. Sometimes it really does take money and for the rare few, some angel helper just might come along and choose to help simply for doing the right thing. Because guess again, some people are just made that way. Some people don’t need to be asked to do what is right. It becomes an automatic.
When I see licensed attorneys commit perjury or suborn perjury then I am officially done being silent. I will expose you and I will have seen it for myself and know what I am talking about.
I will also be exposing a few choice paralegals that are somehow intertwined into the corruption and even some court reporters who have been bribed who choose to become whistle-blowers.
The day is nearing for some crooked people to be exposed. I know some of them are even watching this blog.
So to my readers, if you know your ex is a dirt-bag trying to take away your livelihood, one suggestion sent to me was to say, go call every single attorney in the area and two counties around and seek consultations. It is a conflict for your ex to retain any one of them. That suggestion was from a loyal reader. I found it amusing but I am told it is an effective method.
Call me the happy accident.
Like Benjamin Franklin said,
“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are”
I will no longer be silent.
The time to expose the truth is now. I am not the only American that has had enough. But I will use my Constitutional Rights to abide the law and do things the legal way, unlike some of these creeps who choose to skate the law or outright break them. To remain silent while those endangered endure further harm would make me a co-conspirator. NEVER GONNA HAPPEN!
*Photo Credit Source goes to Mills Valley News via "Google Images"
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