Erythema Nodosum? Suspected Illness Decides to Drop-In on Life

I wake up one day in my bed wondering randomly, “Okay what is today going to have in store for me?” Instinctively, I must have just known something was wrong. It was a Thursday.    I was in my backyard cleaning up pine, branches, trimmed up the lilacs and raked the yard. Like any other day I do any yard work, I took my allergy medicine.    I was okay with the exception of the regular hot shower needed afterword. Friday progressed as any other day but I started to feel achy, more than normal.    Maybe it was the cold from Autumn setting in.     Who knows?!    Get some rest and maybe Saturday will be better. When my days turned excruciating began when standing on my feet.    When a person lives daily with extreme amounts of pain, pain really doesn’t have very many levels of severity anymore.    But oh my knees. They just hurt but I just figured maybe because of the cold. Picture for effect “erythem...

Amiah Missing Saga Continues

A new chapter of conspiracy unfolds in Amiah’s Family Beat as people surrounding the disappearance start to slip and point the fingers back on themselves inadvertently.

As the world starts waking up to realize baby Amiah Robertson is still missing, new issues have arisen concerning the well being of the child at the time of her “disappearance”.

Prior interactions with Indianapolis Child Protective Services (I will generalize the title as different states and counties have different names the Child Welfare Agencies) have shown that mother Amber Robertson has a unique history of prior interactions.  While one child was removed, the other remained, and a baby is missing.  Regardless of any CPS allegations or final results, the story unfolds to become both a mystery as well as sinister.  While CPS cases are often “sealed” to the general public, only Amber knows what has truly happened through her interactions.  Whether she is placed in some registry, or whether she may have voluntarily entered into services where she by law has to be provided an attorney, we may never know unless documents are made public with intent to clear her name.  People are wondering why she has not cleared her name herself.  After all, a court of public opinion could become one of her greatest assets.  

The suspicions continue to unfold as people join the Amiah’s Family Beat, including but not limited to people associated with Logan Hull and mother Amber Robertson.  People are attempting to thwart mother’s speaking out.  Let me suggest they stop before getting charged with obstruction.  It begs the question whether people have been silencing Amber to remain silent and if so, then for what purpose?”

Amber Robertson has drawn much attention between her recent protest displays outside of “the babysitter’s home” however new people with experience have started to unravel there may be other interested factors at bay here.  Some rumors of drug involvement, whether addicted themselves or not is still yet to be proven by clear and convincing evidence.  However, paternity claim father would be Keith has begun an odd campaign of aligning himself with those who are in the circle of suspects.  

A man with a past, Ed Bounds of Crime Pursuit Podcast, has joined the mission of trying to square away what has happened to Amiah Robertson.  Using his podcast, a circle of investigators and a charming wit to raise eyebrows, Ed bounds has struck a nerve with mother Amber Robertson and paternity Claimant Keith Ripberger.  

All matters continue to circle back to basic details Amber would know if she knew what happened to her child. Reasons why she knew to tell the cops where her daughters possessions were found at the 1907 address in question and why she instead of a third party was the one to call in the tip to the Silver Alert tip line. She insists she kept thinking about all the things that her child loves, leaving out the most important detail- only those closest to Amber and Amiah would know such things  and how her belongings would have been dumped there has no coincidence attached.  A person unfamiliar with this small detail would not be able to dump her belongings in just any place let alone a place Amiah allegedly loves, but yet be a place mom’s boyfriend has only ever mentioned and taken mom by a time or two.  So, what does this detail say.  Amiah didn’t love that spot in any way.  Anyone close to Amiah would know that, and yet conveniently only mom knows that? It certainly is suspect as mom called in the tip after conveniently finding the items near a water site?  Sorry darlin’ your times of pointing the finger at others is long gone but thank you for allowing IMPD to focus on you now. 

Meanwhile, Robert “Robbie” Lyons becomes less of a suspect every day that passes.  IMPD has confirmed that although his name isn’t officially ruled out, there are other parties of interest.  Amber’s own actions of recent have place all flags and blame on the babysitter with a loud protest stating she was demanding to know what happened to “the child”.  A quite loud display of loud shouts and demands while standing on a city sidewalk.  Not her baby, not her daughter, not her child, but “the child”.  The emotional disconnect instead places Amber in suspect position number one.  A woman who adamantly claims no wrong doing but insists she had done nothing wrong?

IMPD has a continued obstacle in their way.  Keith, the man with the claim for paternity on Amiah has aligned himself with those who would absolutely know anything, if anything, about the disappearance of his self proclaimed daughter.  I think it fair to say for any REAL PARENT that if anyone knew anything, and I demanded answers, I certainly wouldn’t be making the “frenemy” watch list.

So let’s break this down.  Who will be held responsible not if but WHEN Amiah turns up?

The proof is in the pudding.  According to IMPD, who often as a whole gets involved with civil disputes about custody and interference matters, there is only one legally recognized parent and as such subsequently only one legally binding parent can be held legally responsible for any violations to the general well being and absence of any child.  

Logan Hull on the other hand isn't entirely innocent himself either.  His truck is allegedly stolen and then conveniently found near this 1907 mystery address where Amiah's possessions are located when Mother Amber calls into the tip line?  This is definitely a disturbing fact to raise any eye brow.

Attorneys and professionals across Indiana and across the nation seem to agree on one thing.  Absent a marriage and absent a legally recognized father, and now with a paternity case hanging in the balance, a woman who isn’t married to a man listed on any birth certificate, is not considered an assumption of paternity claimant.  Even if Logan Hull (Amber’s 1st child bio-daddy) were to marry her now, there would still be no legal father to Amiah.  Sadly, the world of Indianapolis Family Courts makes those rules so common that it no longer takes a consult with a Family Attorney to figure that one out as it is published even on their own website.  

As far as I’m concerned, Robbie Lyons has had a brilliant defense attorney on a different matter entirely in that any advice to stay away from Amber’s little circle of friends has resulted in them pointing the finger only back at themselves.  One moment Amber was pointing the finger at Robbie, until that very day she protested outside the “Babysitter’s home” stating “SHE KNEW” it was her.  Which means nothing was Robbie.  It’s amazing what someone will spit out in “excitable utterances”.  A chameleon personality willing to say whatever is necessary to survive their surroundings of whatever harm could possibly come their way- this is a behavior of mental illness not of grief or basic self protection.  In my studies and research of child abuse and trauma, these very behaviors are in fact considered abusive to children as the parents lack stability for the child and are unable to provide for all of the needs of the child, including emotional support.  Chameleon behavior becomes signature to an unstable and unsafe home. These outbursts and repeated incidents of finger pointing to everyone but herself signals behavior of guilt and denial.  Psych-profilers in Amiah’s Family Beat seem to share the same concept belief.  Momster here suffers from mental illness but not necessarily to a degree of not being criminally responsible.  Mental illness is actually very common nowadays and could be something as simple as an adjustment disorder or a trauma endured that without facing her problems, she may never have a “normal life”.  Her moves are calculated and timed to point fingers away from herself just when people get close to something.  The behavior is what is most concerning and only Mom here can change that path.

This means that without needing to say anything, anyone at all in mother’s circle of “friends” is expendable and disposable.  This is a dangerous footing for anyone to be one right now.  Everyone becomes suspect where someone is so eager to blame someone.

There are two equally horrifying options here.  The general public has conceded that mom is behaving oddly,  like she knows when her daughter will be coming home, rather than being hopeful and unrealistic.  Let’s hypothesize that Option shall we?  Has Amiah been kidnapped and mom is trying to get her back?  Here is the problem with this scenario: it is a federal felony to not report a kidnapping of an American Child.  It is fair to say that mom doesn’t want to go to federal prison if this scenario were to be true.  Reading this simple argument probably scares her if this scenario falls true anywhere.  If in fact she is not missing but kidnapped, mom will be going to prison. The odds of jail time are very realistic here.

On one hand her child may be alive somewhere and on the other a homicide ruling based on her age holds only one person responsible for her being presumed deceased.  That also means jail.  

So which person is about to snitch on their dear friend?  Who wants the state’s deal first?

I’m rhetorically betting a $10,000 Crime stoppers Reward on the first person to execute a tip will be the one to finally have a conscience.  

That’s just it, IMPD has to legally continue investigating all “possibilities”, but if you think they don’t have lead suspects, you couldn’t be more wrong.  The more the involved characters point the fingers, the more their stories no longer add up and IMPD gets one step closer. Backpedaling helps no one and most certainly doesn’t help bring Justice to Amiah.

So Amber Robertson, my message to you is this: before you no longer have the ability to save face with your mistakes and ultimately you alone will be held responsible for her declared homicide, you alone can tell the story.  After all, she has ONE legal parent responsible for her.  Like Caylee Anthony, Amiah will turn up either dead or alive, and unless you FULLY cooperate, maybe even seek some mental health services for these odd behaviors of yours, which no one will condemn you for by the way, IMPD will have no choice except to blame you and only you.  Because you choose to be so silent about THAT CHILD, the rest of America and Law enforcement can only grow to believe you are guilty based on the sole fact of your self destruct nature and willingness to be so emotionally disconnected to such a beautiful little girl you had the pleasure in giving birth to.  Parents make mistakes every day.  Did you make a mistake that you regret but maybe you think no one will understand?  The lifestyle of hotels and vacation stays makes sense to no one.  People with American Express Cards available to them don’t usually stay at three different hotels in less than a week.  What were you REALLY doing?

Amiah’s Family beat is willing to listen.  If you made a mistake and need to “lawyer up”, then make your plans and get your affairs in order.

I know that as a parent we regret quickly what we wish we could change.  It doesn’t matter though because we cannot erase what has already been written in history and time.  

Amber, let me make this simple:  did you fail to protect Amiah? Yes as a parent, that is YOUR sole responsibility as her only legal parent or guardian.  Is it POSSIBLE you made a highly regrettable mistake?  A million times yes. We all make them.  But is your mistake entirely irreversible?  Only Amber knows this answer.  Your guilt doesn’t make you guilty of her disappearance but only you know that truth- or maybe someone else does. 

I’m pleading to her conscience, hoping she actually has one.  Casey Anthony was a neglectful Momster who just wanted to be a single woman instead of a mom 24:7:365.  She just wanted a few days of fun and excitement and took her child for granted.  She alone was convicted for child endangerment.  Did you have that guilt?  Do you have guilt over feeling that way even for a day-ever?  We all understand.  We are more understanding as a public than you give people credit for.  Do you have a right to remain silent?  Sure.  The more actions that contradict however will mean a jury of peers might not be so forgiving of this behavior. 

But the one thing remains in this ongoing “investigation” into mom and “that child” is for certain:  a loving parent would be screaming from the mountain-tops as loudly as possible if it meant even the slightest possibility of them coming home safely.  Instead, people point fingers, pretend to be “frenemies”, and people push buttons we all know already exist.

The rage is just not there for one Mom in America.  While her child is “missing”, she is doing what exactly with her free time now that Amiah is no longer “that child” who takes up all her time and energy.

Amber Robertson, if you want to clear the air, I am willing to hear whatever it is you have to come clean about.  If it is drugs, alcohol, or some other issue, let’s get you help.  If something more sinister, let’s get you the help you need to speak up the right way so that you take your due ramifications properly instead of your son growing up without you entirely.  That is a genuine fear to have.  It’s time to speak up and put the bullshit aside.  The games- you are not a child anymore.  A grown man had a child with a child. Your son deserves to have a mother care enough to take whatever responsibility that is required to teach him right from wrong. Your lifestyle is what keeps you from your son.  

At the end of the day, “that child” will turn up.  The callousness in which things proceed will determine how the law treats all matters.

People from both close up and afar have joined efforts.  Amiah’s own back yard to as far as Australia, people around the world are coming to explore, investigate and discover what happened to Amiah.  When the case rests, they will just find another child to seek justice for.  In the meantime, Amiah’s Family Beat isn’t going anywhere.  It’s time to come forward.  The attacks on Private Investigators are just a distraction tactic- ones that are not working.

If anyone has any details about the disappearance of Baby Amiah Robertson, please do not hesitate to contact Crime stoppers or IMPD.  If you are afraid of retaliation or are in concern of your safety and need protection and help coming forward, please reach out to Amiah’s Family Beat Group on Facebook.



Amiah's Family Beat

A baby is missing- we are not the enemy.

Someone needs help. Ultimately a precious baby girl deserves justice.

Benjamin Franklin said it best,

Justicewill not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.”

This means you...

America was asleep.  Now America is watching.  

What’s the verdict? Stay tuned...


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