A very dismissive response has been received regarding my inquiry to today's student bus bomb threat in Lompoc Unified School District here in California. I suppose one can only say by the many comments being heard about this not being spread across mainstream media is WHY ON A BLOG AND NOT IN THE NEWS?
It should make one wonder why exactly Lompoc Unified is not resting easy by a simple phone call by a mere blog writer and no one in mainstream media seems to care to inquire themselves.
I promised a followup. Well here is the official letter that was "sent home".
It surprises me that a mere blog writer is the true inquirer into a bomb scare, but the difference between in person story relaying versus those in the District Administration playing down the details makes one question why the Administration is minimizing such a concerning matter. Children describe the scenes of children being patted down, their bags searched, individually being removed from the bus, along with bomb squad K-9 teams thoroughly scaring the crap out of the children. But no, it is nothing to worry about because according to Business Services, they have now "resumed normal activities". So let us all go ahead and pretend nothing happened but a child is in custody for making a bomb threat and other children sharing they were deeply scared doesn't matter. So are the children involved in this search expected to have no feelings or reactions to the experiences they had today because the rest of the school "resumed normal activities"?
Oh but that's okay, this is just one person's opinion, right?
This exact thinking is what is wrong with America today. Let me ask you this as food for thought:
Even in an emergency, why were parents not called that an emergency event was preempting emergency response to the scene and regular schedules were resuming thereafter? This is poor resolution and parents have the right to be angry. From the many parents I am hearing from, that is the universal take here. Parents have a right to be informed when something happens and should not be getting notified that their child's school is on lock down due to a bomb threat AFTER-THE-FACT.
Columbine years ago, Sandy Hook years ago, Florida just yesterday and all the many in between people chose to ignore. Is your child's school the next one to be ignored due to careless practices in place? While my formal request response remains incomplete, I await further answers.
The questions I asked are the answers every parent should be asking and demanding. People I know still haven't received this letter shown above, nor have they received a simple phone call. Some have. However, who else has not been informed? Make your feelings be known by calling the Superintendent at Lompoc Unified School District at
(805) 742-3320
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