
Showing posts from May, 2018

Erythema Nodosum? Suspected Illness Decides to Drop-In on Life

I wake up one day in my bed wondering randomly, “Okay what is today going to have in store for me?” Instinctively, I must have just known something was wrong. It was a Thursday.    I was in my backyard cleaning up pine, branches, trimmed up the lilacs and raked the yard. Like any other day I do any yard work, I took my allergy medicine.    I was okay with the exception of the regular hot shower needed afterword. Friday progressed as any other day but I started to feel achy, more than normal.    Maybe it was the cold from Autumn setting in.     Who knows?!    Get some rest and maybe Saturday will be better. When my days turned excruciating began when standing on my feet.    When a person lives daily with extreme amounts of pain, pain really doesn’t have very many levels of severity anymore.    But oh my knees. They just hurt but I just figured maybe because of the cold. Picture for effect “erythem...

Military Protective Orders Not Worth the Paper Printed On Anymore

Military protective Orders (MPOs) are like a foreign language to those who “just don't know” what they mean or what they do. The fair layman can easily say an MPO is not “arbitrarily or capriciously given” and all policies and regulations written by both Congress and the Secretary of Defense who implements policies across the board for all branches is obligated to ensure that an MPO that is given should also be enforced.  Sadly, many of the women and sometimes men spouses have come to know that enforcement is of little to no existence once an MPO is issued. Let us get down to basics.  What does one look like? An MPO must restrict specific conduct that is prohibited.  They are usually in mirror to a civilian Domestic Violence Restraining Order or as shown in some states a Civil Harassment Restraining Order. *An MPO usually restricts being around someone by a minimum of 100 yards (300 feet) *An MPO is SUPPOSE to restrict conduct of the service member tha...

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